The Stake Building Block enables liquidity provision strategies to gain access to yield farming rewards across various DeFi protocols. Strategies which market make on AMM DEXs (via the LP Management Building Block) can stake their liquidity position to earn additional ecosystem liquidity incentives and rewards.
Liquidity Providers are free to choose between their preferred protocols, pools, and strategies without worrying about specific protocol differences. The Stake Building Block ensures that LPs do not miss out on any yield farming opportunities and can continue earning long term liquidity incentives for their liquidity contributions.
Additional Rewards: Stake your liquidity in various protocols to earn additional ecosystem rewards (e.g. emissions, liquidity incentives, etc.).
Factor has integrated with leading staking protocols, offering a broad spectrum of possibilities for your strategies.
GMX (coming soon)
Visit our Factor Discover page to see the latest leverage strategies.
Don't Limit Your Strategies To Just Lending
Factor Studio enables different Building Blocks to be mixed-and-matched thereby facilitating multi-step strategies which span across the whole DeFi ecosystem.
Please refer to Supported Protocols to view the full list of DeFi protocols which have been integrated with Factor Studio.
Last updated
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