Factor Participants
Depositors: Search for automated strategies and deposit tokens on Factor Discover to gain exposure to curated DeFi strategies.
Strategists: Create complex multi-protocol strategies and share automated alphas with depositors on Factor Studio to earn strategy management fees.
Protocols: Seamlessly bridge protocol value by creating integrated strategies and participate in directing ecosystem incentives via Factor Bribes or Factor Boost.
FactorDAO: Facilitate decentralized governance of the protocol through coordinating governance proposals and incentives as determined by governance token holders. Owner of the publicly viewable multisig treasury which funds various protocol growth initiatives.
Governance Token Holders: Purchasers of the FCTR token which represents protocol value.
Governance Token Stakers: FCTR holders who have staked (i.e. time locked) their FCTR in exchange for protocol governance rights and rewards. This includes protocol revenue share, directing emissions via Factor Scale, and receiving voting incentives via Factor Bribes.
Core Team: Supports the development, operations, and marketing of the Factor platform based on directives provided by the FactorDAO.
Contributors: The Factor Contributors initiative guides enthusiastic community members that have volunteered their time and resources towards growing the protocol.
Last updated
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