Multi Swap


Chain as many swaps as required into a single transaction. Your multiswap transaction is atomic thereby reducing your exposure to market timing and front running risks.

All tokens are immediately swapped at the best available rates as the selected protocols dynamically reroutes your trade to more capital efficient sources.

Potential Alpha

  • All Swaps Or None: Reduce market timing risk when sourcing multiple tokens for your strategy as all swaps are completed at your configured price with a single swap failure resulting in none of the swaps being processed.

  • Any Tokens, Any Time: From one-to-many, many-to-many, many-to-one swaps, switch between any token required for your specific strategy with ease.

  • Access Multiple Protocols: More protocols means more markets for combining routes for your specific input and output token.

  • Swap At Superior Rates: Your swaps are rerouted via more capital efficient sources resulting in deeper liquidity and better rates.

Strategy Building Blocks

The building block order mirrors the Factor Studio UI and can be expanded for further strategy details and parameters.

  • Select the tokens to swap

    • Token purchases: Input token is the token to swap from and output token is the target token.

    • Token sales: Input token is the token to sell and output token is the token to receive.

  • Specify input token amount

  • Select the tokens to swap

    • Token purchases: Input token is the token to swap from and output token is the target token.

    • Token sales: Input token is the token to sell and output token is the token to receive.

  • Specify input token amount


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